Media Releases 2015|

Rea Vaya phase 1C construction, including widening of roads and construction of new kerbs and pedestrian and cycling pathways, continues between Parktown, Alexandra and Sandton.

Construction on the new pedestrian-cycling bridge over the M1Foundation laying for the new pedestrian-cycling bridge being built over the M1Keep abreast of the latest progress – as well as planned temporary road diversions and closures for the period 12 to 20 June – by viewing the latest weekly updates from the contractors.

These cover the following areas:

From Empire Road/Victoria Avenue in Parktown along Louis Botha Avenue through Houghton as far as Louis Botha Avenue/Louis Road in Orange Grove – view weekly update
Along Louis Botha Avenue from corner Newick Road in Gresswold to corner Lees Street in Wynberg – view weekly update
Along Katherine Drive in Sandton from Katherine Drive/West Street to Katherine Drive/Marlboro Drive, and from Louis Botha Avenue/Lees Street in Wynberg to the M1 pedestrian bridge – view weekly update

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