Media Releases 2016|

Motorists who use Fuel Road, please note that the section of Fuel road between Steytler Road and Hay Avenue will be closed overnight for construction purposes on two consecutive weekends, as follows:

  • Saturday 7 May 21h00 to Sunday 8 May 05h00
  • Sunday 8 May 21h00 to Monday 9 May 05h00
  • Saturday 14 May 21h00 to Sunday 15 May 05h00
  • Sunday 15 May 21h00 to Monday 16 May 05h00


Motorists can make use of the following alternative routes in order to skirt the closure (see image above – CLICK ON IMAGE TO ENLARGE):

Eastbound traffic on Fuel Road can make use of alternate routes as follows:

  1. Right into Oudtshoorn Street;
  2. Left into Pinelands Street;
  3. Left into Plumbstead Street;
  4. Right into Wynberg Street;
  5. Left into Landsdowne Street;
  6. Right into Klaver Street;
  7. Left into Harmony Street; and
  8. Right into Fuel Road.


  1. Left into Steytler Road;
  2. Right into Ruben Avenue;
  3. Right into Kretzschmar Street;
  4. Left into Percy Peffer Street;
  5. Right into Phillip Bandes Street;
  6. Right into Hay Avenue; and
  7. Left into Fuel Road.

Westbound traffic on Fuel Road can make use of alternate routes as follows:

  1. Left into Harmony Street;
  2. Right into Klaver Street;
  3. Left into Landsdowne Street;
  4. Right into Wynberg Street;
  5. Left into Plumbstead Street;
  6. Right into Pinelands Street;
  7. Right into Oudtshoorn Street; and
  8. Left into Fuel Road.


  1. Right into Hay Avenue;
  2. Left into Phillip Bandes Street;
  3. Left into Percy Peffer Street;
  4. Right into Kretzschmar Street;
  5. Left into Ruben Avenue;
  6. Left into Steytler Road; and
  7. Right into Fuel Road.
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