The JDA has embarked on a process to formulate an Urban Development Framework, or Master Plan, for Alexandra – and has engaged a multi-disciplinary team of professionals and community liaison officers from the Alex Renewal Project to work with the community in creating this framework.
Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA) Announcement
For immediate release
7 March 2016
The City of Joburg through its implementing agent, the Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA), has embarked on a process to formulate an Urban Development Framework, also referred to as a Master Plan, for Alexandra.
The Urban Development Framework (UDF) is an important strategic document for Alexandra, as it will not only direct proper spatial planning and sustainable development of the area, but will assist with the mobilisation and securing of funding commitments across all three spheres of Government.
The framework also includes broad aims across specific topics, such as housing, infrastructure, community facilities which are reinforced by more detailed policies and objectives.
To date, work in Alexandra has been guided by various frameworks and plans. These include:
The Spatial Development Framework for the Greater Alexandra area (2002), under-pinned by a Transportation Study and an Environmental Management Framework (2005), has guided the implementation of numerous projects for more than a decade.
A precinct plan was approved by the Council in 2009 for the surrounding industrial/commercial areas of Marlboro South, Wynberg and Kew.
The implementation of the Alexandra Land Agreement will be dependent on the formulation, adoption and implementation of an Urban Development Framework (Master Plan) for Alexandra linked to budgeting processes within all spheres of government.
The more recent need to incorporate the Louis Botha Avenue Corridor of Freedom, a City priority programme, into the Alex Master Plan.
Given the importance and significance of Alexandra, and the changes to the urban environment, the proposed guiding principles for formulation of the Alexandra UDF currently, will be to:
Create a holistic vision, with easily understood principles for development, that is supported by the community.
Demonstrate how best an entire community can be involved in the strategic and management processes of urban planning.
Reflect the City’s response to the principles, policies and strategies as charted by national, provincial and the City government to better the lives of communities, and to promote economic and social growth and sustainable development.
A comprehensive and inclusive community participation process is essential to of the formulation of the Alexandra UDF. The process will allow residents and other affected stakeholders many opportunities to express ideas and co-produce solutions toward desired outcomes in Alex.
This is important, as the framework will guide how development unlocks local advantages while addressing its challenges. Together with the UDF, the process will also produce an implementation strategy that will identify specific projects, their prioritisation and phasing.
The JDA has engaged a multi-disciplinary team of highly skilled professionals and community liaison officers (all from the Alexandra Renewal Project programme now at the JDA) to work with the community in creating this framework.
Public Notices – Notices of public meetings will be made available through various media platforms and through public notices in various public locations in Alexandra.
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View/download media release in PDF format
Issued by:
Susan Monyai
Johannesburg Development Agency
Cell: 073 061 3965
Any further enquiries about this process can be directed to:
011 582 1599 / 011 582 1603