Public Infrastructure Delivery ProgrammeThe objective is to effectively and efficiently deliver social and economic infrastructure projects by focusing on two basic questions: how can the City prioritise the key infrastructure projects that provide the optimal social and economic benefit for City and communities; and once these projects are identified, how can stakeholders work together to accelerate the implementation of these projects most effectively and efficiently. This work includes overseeing capital investments by other departments and entities, and facilitating partnership initiatives. This programme includes the continued roll-out of the Rea Vaya BRT infrastructure and service.

Corresponding JDA Regional Classification

  • Greater Soweto, (including Lenasia, Eldos, Nancefield)
  • Alexandra and the OR Tambo Corridor (includes Randburg, Cosmo City, Modderfontein, Frankenwald)
  • Empire-Perth Transit Oriented Development (ToD) corridor
  • Louis-Botha Transit Oriented Development (ToD) corridor
  • Marginalised Areas – Diepsloot, Ivory Park, Orange farm


Bezuidenhout Valley Clinic, Furniture and Equipment Renewal Clinic BEZUIDENHOUT VALLEY E Ward

June 9th, 2018|

Project Description Planning, design, layout of clinic, construction of building and carports, landscaping and paving, furniture, medical equipment and signage. The JDA will continue to implement a number of new health facilities and the upgrading of existing such facilities on behalf of the City of Johannesburg Directorate of Health who will identify and fund these for 2017/18. Project Details Client/Funding Source: Health Project Value: